And you can’t get a text back.
Sebastian, a French bulldog, and Luna, a Pomeranian, are the definition of puppy love.
The dogs, who are the stars of the popular Instagram account of Sebastian Loves...
Eva Noblezada as Kim in the London production of Miss Saigon.
Matthew Murphy
When Miss Saigon opened on Broadway in 1991 amid protests against its yellowface casting and characterization of Vietnamese...
More food plz.
Did you watch it? Did you SEE the beauty in their impatient little paws?
Twitter: @b_ru_ru
They push the button, they get food.
It is a simple video, yes. But they say simplicity is...
Scarlett Johansson as the Major in Ghost in the Shell.
Paramount Pictures
There’s a wordless sequence in the middle of Mamoru Oshii’s animated 1995 Ghost in the Shell in which the movie’s main character...
Who knew?
You know Wendy.
Not this Wendy.
The Wendy of the Wendy's fast food chain.
Twitter: @CurtisKingsley
Well, turns out Wendy has a secret message in her collar.
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The “Medicine Ball” is basically a cough drop in tea form.
Last fall, a new drink off the Starbucks secret menu — the Medicine Ball — gained buzz for its ~restorative cold-fighting powers~ and delicious...
That is not dough.
Instagram: @reggiemrpants
That is not how you make dough.
Instagram: @mr_edward_bear
That is a blanket.
Instagram: @peggy_cat
To start, you need flour and water.
Yup, you picked a bad week to try cutting out sugar. H/T Quora
Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed
In Venezuela, people nosh on a flan-like treat called quesillo.
It's made with condensed milk, sugar, eggs,...
According to BuzzFeed readers like YOU!
Half Baked
Why it's timeless: A stoner movie written by Dave Chapelle? God bless the '90s.
Memorable line: "Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke....
Hear me out.
Cows love being pet. / Via
Cows love giving kisses on the face. / Via
Cows can learn tricks!
Cows love lounging around with their...
It’s gettin’ hot in here.
Here are the rules: you can't opt-out—you have to pick which hot sauce goes best with each food.
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via BuzzFeed/Fo...
Itsy-bitsy spider, GTFO
Gather round, gather round, let's talk about SPIDERS.
Admit it, you're feeling creepy crawly right now.
You might kinda hate 'em but not really know why.
Which is...
There is no pain a puppy can’t cure.
This Labrador is proof that dogs are 100% better than people.
Perritos haciendo cosas / Via Facebook: pg
They dream bigger.
Perritos haciendo cosas / Via Facebook:...