Scottie Madden hit a career milestone as a showrunner. But she says the opportunities dried up after she came out as transgender.
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
Sykes, who was a consulting producer on the ABC revival, won't be coming back after Barr's tweet comparing Valerie Jarrett to an ape.
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
Jennifer Fox’s powerful new film The Tale is a reminder of how many #MeToo narratives have been centered on the men accused, rather than the people who have spoken up against them. (Warning: This essay...
Barr tweeted that Jarrett was the "baby" of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood political party and the Planet of the Apes.
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
Do you ever look at other bloggers and feel you’ll never catch up to where they are?
Perhaps they have hundreds – or thousands, or even hundreds of thousands – of subscribers to their email newsletter....