Step into the spooky world of Trader Joe's and let your taste buds guide you to the ultimate Halloween costume!
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
"I was like, 'Wow, this is fun. I can't wait to see what these guys accomplish together.' It turns out—nothing. Nothing at all."
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
"'Joker' thinks it's smarter than it is, but fails to hold a consistent theme in a way that says effectively nothing. It doesn't work as a character study either because the character is also inconsistent....
"Kids always asked, 'What's that smell?' I was embarrassed, but with lunch that good, I stopped caring. Now, it's trendy!"
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via BuzzFeed/Fo...
It's simple, you'll choose foods starting with G, I, L, M, O, R, E, and S... and then you'll find out which townsperson you are!
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via BuzzFeed/Fo...
If you haven't invested in these air fryer and slow cooker liners yet, boy howdy, are you about to be pleased with yourself.
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via BuzzFeed/Fo...
The amount of One Tree Hill actors who are still friends and now work together on new TV shows, movies, music, and more is so wholesome.
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via BuzzFeed/Trav...
When Scarlett Johansson was doing press for Avengers, an interviewer asked her if she was "able to wear undergarments" beneath her Black Widow costume. She replied, "You're like the fifth person that's...