Bacon Mac 'N' Cheese Pot Pie
Here's a video that shows you how to make it:
Serving 1-2
3 cups milk
1 cup elbow pasta
1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup mozzarella cheese,...
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
You Won't Even Realize You're Eating Veggies With These Baked Cauliflower Bites
Cauliflower: the veggie that can taste like literally anything.
Cauliflower Bites 4 Ways
Each recipe serves 4
Here's a video showing you how to make all four recipes:
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Facebook: video.php
17 Things To Eat If You DGAF About Garlic Breath
FinGARLICkin’ good.
Camembert and Garlic Dough Balls
Cheesy, garlicky, AND classy. What's not to love?
Recipe here.
Ellie Holland / Proper Tasty
Spinach and Artichoke Dip Stuffed Garlic Bread
No one...
19 Things To Do In London This Winter That Are Cultured As Fuck
The essential December to February pop ups.
Gingerbread Cabin at York & Albany
Tragically, I can confirm the cabin isn't actually edible, and people will give you funny looks if you try to take...
27 Gifts That Will Thrill Any Cocktail Lover
For a cocktail-soaked Christmas.
Cocktail Pastilles, £9.99.
Not only are these cocktail pastilles delicious, a box of six is equivalent to three shots. The perfect way to start getting surreptitiously...
19 German Junk Foods The Rest Of The World Urgently Needs
An overwhelming variety of sausages
German Christmas biscuits
From Vanillekipferl (little half-moon shaped vanilla biscuits) to Zimtsterne (star shaped, soft, cinnamon-flavoured biscuits), Kokosmakronen...

How Many Of These Foods Would You Pair Chocolate With?
This quiz is choco-LIT.
via BuzzFeed/Fo...
I Tried To Host A 1970s Dinner Party And It Was A Disaster
It truly was the world’s worst dinner party.
Hello, my name is Sophie and I love reading about old horrible recipes, specifically awful ones from the 1970s like this:
70s Dinner Party / Anna Pallai...
17 Reasons Coriander Is Just The Fucking Worst
It’s the sneakiest of herbs.
Let's talk about coriander AKA Cilantro, the weeds of Satan, lettuce of the damned, green death…
Vaivirga / Getty Images
In recent years the herb has seen a huge spike in...
This Meal-Prep Garlic Chicken And Veggie Pasta Is The Perfect Weekday Lunch
All the goods in one container.
Meal-Prep Garlic Chicken And Veggie Pasta
Serves 4
Here's a video showing you how to make it:
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Facebook: video.php
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 pound...
Cheesy Potato Casserole
Cheese + Potatoes = Heaven!
Cheesy Potato Casserole
Here's a video that shows you how to make it:
Servings: 12
6 russet potatoes
Olive oil
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste
10 slices bacon,...

This Potato Test Will Reveal What Age You’ll Get Married
Find out when you’re going to tie the tot.
via BuzzFeed/Fo...
16 Oddly Satisfying GIFs Of Food Being Made
Hershey’s Kisses, I’ve never longed for you so much.
Hershey's Kisses.
Ice cream cones.
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via BuzzFeed/Fo...
27 Clever Projects Anyone Can Make With 2x4s
This is not a drill! (But you will need one for these projects.)
Charlotte Gomez / BuzzFeed
Put together a custom centerpiece perfect for displaying your garden's best blooms.
This one's cut down to...
19 Floofertons To Warm Your Freezing Cold Wintery Heart
This dashing ball of fluff who has the most kissable nose the world has ever seen.
And this tiny tot who loves to show off how truly squishable his fluff is.
18 Kitties Who Are Totally In Love With Their Humans
They want your love right meow.
Let's get this straight right away: Cats are not rude and aloof.
alyseesyla1 / Via imgur.com
When they love you, they have absolutely no problem showing it.
How to Create Consistently Valuable Content for Your Blog
Doing something of value is a basic motive that drives us in doing pretty much anything in our lives.
Writing is a passion and there is a little art in every piece of content we create, irrelevant of...
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
How Do You Feel About Rory's Boyfriends After The "Gilmore Girls" Revival?
NOW, are you Team Dean, Jess, or Logan? (So many spoilers!)
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life gifted us with many things. We saw Luke and Lorelai finally get married, Paris Geller back in action (and...