Wednesday, 30 November 2016

27 Gifts That Will Thrill Any Cocktail Lover

For a cocktail-soaked Christmas.

Cocktail Pastilles, £9.99.

Cocktail Pastilles, £9.99.

Not only are these cocktail pastilles delicious, a box of six is equivalent to three shots. The perfect way to start getting surreptitiously sloshed on Christmas morning. No one will suspect a thing.

FYI, the whisky and amaretto pastille and the elderflower and gin pastilles are the best ones.

"The Periodic Table of Cocktails", £9.99.

"The Periodic Table of Cocktails", £9.99.

I was given this last year as a Christmas present, and can confirm it is a great book for cocktail lovers. 106 recipes, arranged in impeccable order, and smattered with drinks history and stories from Gin Monkey, the drinks connoisseur behind the book.

Gin Monkey

Hobnail Glass Cocktail Shaker, £16.

Hobnail Glass Cocktail Shaker, £16.

Get the medium size for £16 or the full size for £32.

Cocktail Pin, £8.27.

Cocktail Pin, £8.27.

Wear your love of cocktails where everyone can see it.

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via BuzzFeed/Food

