“How’s the rat doing?” Boy, bye.
You're fed up with people who pick your dog up without your permission.
"Aw, what a cutie," said the perpetrator, grabbing the dog that didn't belong to him/her whilst completely ignoring the one that did.
Mike Theiler / AFP / Getty Images
You fear for your poor puppy's life whenever children are near.
This Is Not a Toy, oil on canvas.
You know that your precious pupper can walk up the stairs better than he/she can go back down.
You're now able to recognize the "I need you to carry me back downstairs" barking.
When you don't know where your dog is, 90% of the time he's in a blind spot, trailing just behind your feet.
And the other 10% of the time, he's right in front of you, chewing on your shoelaces.
Twitter: tay_norwood / Via Twitter: @tay_norwood
via Buzzfeed/Animals