Thursday, 27 April 2017

This Dog Got A Ridiculous Haircut Because Its Owner Doesn't Speak Chinese

This is what happened when one man took his dog for a haircut in China but couldn't speak any Chinese.

This is what happened when one man took his dog for a haircut in China but couldn't speak any Chinese.

Wales News Service

This poor German shepherd cross called Seren was given a slightly intensive trim after his owner, Leigh Simmons, 27, took him for a haircut on Sunday in Shenzen, where Simmons has been working for seven months with his wife, Kat.

Unfortunately, Simmons can't speak a word of Chinese and was reduced to making a "buzzing" sound and a shaving motion to describe the desired look.

Simmons, originally from near Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales, adopted the dog after finding him roaming the streets.

This is what Seren used to look like.

This is what Seren used to look like.

Wales News Service

His owner told the Wales News Service agency: "I wanted to shave the dog for the summer. It’s really hot here at the moment.

"The woman spoke no English and I speak very, very little Chinese. I ended up miming shaving the dog and I made a ‘bzzz’ sound. The woman nodded and told me to come back at 4.

Leigh Simmons

Wales News Service

"I came back and saw the dog and just started laughing hysterically. I could barely stand up, I was laughing so much.

"The poor women working there were so confused. They looked embarrassed, like they were worried I wasn’t going to pay them. But I did. It cost me roughly £10."

Many dogs are closely shaved in this way in Shenzen, added Simmons: "Everyone in China has a poodle. Lots of them have this style. I just didn’t think at the time that the French poodle look that you see in films was the standard model for shaving dogs out here."

Don't worry, it'll grow back soon, Seren.

Don't worry, it'll grow back soon, Seren.

Wales News Service

via Buzzfeed/Animals

