This is v. important.
As you're all probably aware by now, Target has a new line of $5 wines that's about to make every headline about millennials drinking too much wine come true.
It's called California Roots, and is "carefully crafted with premium, California-grown grapes," according to a press release. It hit shelves last month.
And to reiterate: every bottle is just $5. ๐
That's like, a bougie cup of coffee or an ice cream. And only a couple of bucks more than Trader Joe's infamous Two-Buck Chuck.
Warner Bros. Television
As both a wino and perpetually broke twentysomething, I decided to get a few co-workers together to find out if they tasted low-quality or if they were the new holy grail of tasty, cheap wine. ๐ค
Lionsgate Films
First up was the Pinot Grigio, which smelled like apple juice, tasted crisp AF, and had a solid bang-for-your-buck, booze wise. ๐
The verdict: This is that wine you open thinking, "Oh, I'll just have a glass" but it's so tasty that you end up downing the whole thing. It's crisp, sweet, 13.5% ABV (which is pretty high for a white wine), and overall a good Netflix and chill wine.
Mike LoBello / BuzzFeed
The Moscato legit tasted like candy, which some of us actually liked.
The verdict: As another taste tester said, "This smells like a sweet tart." Which is to say, you legitimately can't detect the alcohol in this. If you're the kind of person who HAS to have something sweet after every meal, then you'd probably dig this Capri Sun-esque wine.
Michelle No / BuzzFeed
The Chardonnay tasted kinda ~expensive~ — aka not overwhelmingly sweet.
The verdict: You could definitely pass this off as a $20 bottle of wine. I'd recommend bringing this to the next BYOB/dinner party event you're invited to, and impressing everyone with your apparently expert wine selection. Also, bonus points to this white wine for not having that vinegar-ey aftertaste a lot of cheap bottles have.
Michelle No / BuzzFeed
We couldn't figure out what the "blend" part of the Red Blend varietal referred to, but this was hella boozy at 13.5%, which is really all we cared about. ๐
The verdict: Not too sweet and not too bitter, pretty much everyone agreed that this was a super drinkable, balanced wine that would get you buzzed. This was my personal fave.
Mike LoBello / BuzzFeed
The cabernet was equally boozy and slightly savory (A.K.A. would pair well with a meat lover's pizza.).
The verdict: This one was v. ~complex~ and hearty — and again, clocked in at 13.5%. Honestly, this wine tasted like the standard $10 bottle of red wine I usually buy and I seriously couldn't believe it's only $5. Target, WYD?!
Michelle No / BuzzFeed
via BuzzFeed/Food