Wednesday, 30 November 2016

19 German Junk Foods The Rest Of The World Urgently Needs

An overwhelming variety of sausages

German Christmas biscuits

From Vanillekipferl (little half-moon shaped vanilla biscuits) to Zimtsterne (star shaped, soft, cinnamon-flavoured biscuits), Kokosmakronen (chewy, soft coconut biscuits) to Butterplätzchen (plain, buttery biscuits) — Germans do know a thing or two about baking.

Instagram: @nine_nimmt_ab



Combining two of the best foods: curry sauce and sausages. This is the perfect greasy salty drunk food, best accompanied by a big portion of chips. There's even a museum dedicated to this delightful food in Berlin!

John Wilbanks / Flickr / Creative Commons / Via

All of the Haribo that they only sell in Germany

All of the Haribo that they only sell in Germany

Think you’ve tried all the different types of Haribo? Think again, Germany has loads of flavours you’ve never seen before, like the delicious Creamy Ice foamy variety.

@NerdBashDE / Via Twitter: @NerdBashDE


This is the ultimate hangover breakfast. Potatoes, egg, and onions, fried in a pan, and served with pickled gherkins — if that doesn't cure your hangover, nothing will.

Instagram: @djuk_hova

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via BuzzFeed/Food

