Tuesday 22 November 2016

44% Off the Best Thing We Created in 2016

Virtual Ticket Sale

Black Friday is almost upon us, with Cyber Monday right around the corner – the ‘silly season’ has started and before you know it we’ll be panicking about the holidays and whether we’ve ended up on the Naughty or Nice list!

Here at ProBlogger we’re busy working on some exciting plans for 2017, but paused to think about what we could do for you to round out 2016. Last year we did some great discounts on our eBooks, but then we realised that there’s one thing we create each year that most of you miss out on – the ProBlogger Training Event here in Australia.

It’s actually the best thing we create each year, with our 2016 attendees giving it the most excellent rating the event has had in all its seven years. The content is outstanding and, unsurprisingly, 10 of our top 20 rated speakers of all time were from this year’s event.

This year we brought back a virtual ticket so more of you could access the amazing content our speakers share with us. So, for one week only we’re offering access to the 2016 event content for an unprecedented price of USD$129 – a 44% discount on the full price of USD$229. We’ve also got an exclusive bonus for you – video recordings of five of our keynotes. This is the first time we’ve offered video as part of the virtual ticket and we’re excited to offer you a taste of what it’s like to be at one of our events.

If you were ever going to buy one of our virtual tickets, the 2016 event is the one to choose!

What do you get?

  • We have 45 sessions to offer, which will set you up with nearly 40 hours of audio recordings so you can listen and learn at your own pace.
  • Audio can be streamed, downloaded or saved to your iTunes account
  • You’ll also get the presentation slides and any materials provided by the speakers
  • For our five main keynotes, you’ll get the videos too!
  • Some of our speakers have also provided special offers
  • Join our networking and accountability group on Facebook to support you to take action on something before the end of the year

However, we think the best thing you get comes when you actually take action on all the learning. It was a big focus of our event this year – take action! Make a list and take the first step that will have the most impact for your blog or business. It has been great to see some of our attendees share their successes with us since the event:






We also had some great feedback from our event survey:

Great speakers, actionable advice, motivation and inspiration to finally turn my hobby blog into a business and realise that actually, I CAN do it. It’s given me a renewed sense of enthusiasm and excitement for what I do. Also, Daniel Flynn was particularly incredible.


Loved meeting other people passionate about blogging; but the highlight this year would have to be all the practical tools, tips and strategies I gained. Really impressed by how generous presenters were with their knowledge. Also loved hearing their stories – found them particularly inspirational as they didn’t just share the good things, but also covered the bad days, and the failures and disappointments. Very authentic. 10/10 would recommend!


The presentations really hit the mark for me. A good mix of mindset and skill development.

We love seeing you make progress and celebrating successes big and small. Getting feedback from our attendees and the wider community on how we’ve helped them makes my day – actually, it makes my year!

2016 Virtual Ticket is on sale for $129 from now until the end of Cyber Monday (28th November)

Get Access Now!

The post 44% Off the Best Thing We Created in 2016 appeared first on ProBlogger.


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