Wednesday 23 November 2016

We Need To Talk About How Milk Chocolate Is The Best

Dark chocolate can GTFO.

The dark chocolate vs. milk chocolate debate is a tale as old as time, and it needs to end now.

The dark chocolate vs. milk chocolate debate is a tale as old as time, and it needs to end now.

Getty Images

Somehow, dark chocolate got established as the "elite" chocolate, and milk as the "gross" one, but that couldn't be more wrong. Milk chocolate is the real MVP.

Somehow, dark chocolate got established as the "elite" chocolate, and milk as the "gross" one, but that couldn't be more wrong. Milk chocolate is the real MVP.

United Artists / Via Twitter: @kdpd945

Dark chocolate has so many champions, and quite frankly, someone needs to stand up for milk as the true winner that it is.

Dark chocolate has so many champions, and quite frankly, someone needs to stand up for milk as the true winner that it is.

All we hear about is how "healthy" dark chocolate is, and how one "one square" can satisfy your sweet tooth, but since when do we eat sweets because they're healthy?!

All we hear about is how "healthy" dark chocolate is, and how one "one square" can satisfy your sweet tooth, but since when do we eat sweets because they're healthy?!

If you're a celebrity, you practically have to say that dark chocolate is your one indulgence.

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via BuzzFeed/Food

