Wednesday, 1 March 2017

26 Dark AF Kitchen Products To Match Your Soul

‘Tis a torture chamber!

We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page.

Zoe Burnett / BuzzFeed

A tea kettle with a pleasant whistle that won't compete with the screaming coming from the dungeon.

A tea kettle with a pleasant whistle that won't compete with the screaming coming from the dungeon.

Promising review: "Very nice color...not a dull black. Not thin or lightweight. Pours drips. Whistles loud enough to hear...not a screaming sound." —Saturn08

Get it from Amazon for $19.99. / Also available in blood red.

A silicone spatula so durable you'd swear it's immortal.

A silicone spatula so durable you'd swear it's immortal.

Promising review: "The handles are nice and firm while the edges have that rubber flex that you want. Best of all, they are each an entire piece. No parts glued on to fall off later." —Carpenters

Get it from Amazon for $6.95. / Also available in blood red and chilling blue.

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via BuzzFeed/Food

