Friday, 24 March 2017

The Internet Is In Love With DJ Khaled And His Infant Son Asahd


This is DJ Khaled and his son, Asahd. They've become one of the purest examples of wholesome entertainment on the internet.

This is DJ Khaled and his son, Asahd. They've become one of the purest examples of wholesome entertainment on the internet.

Rich Polk / Getty Images

With his father being the king of inspiring people on Snapchat, it's no surprise that Asahd would become the beneficiary of incessant praise and positivity from his father.

Instagram: @asahdkhaled

The infant's personal Instagram, which has nearly 300K followers, frequently features a comment from his father saying "ASAHD" in all caps, followed by an endearing message.

Instagram: @asahdkhaled

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via BuzzFeed/Travel

