Friday, 26 May 2017

This Is How Much Dev's Meals Cost On "Master Of None"

Eating like Dev ain’t cheap.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of a show called "Master of None" gaining some serious attention for it's A+ food scenes.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of a show called "Master of None" gaining some serious attention for it's A+ food scenes.

With so many iconic eats crammed into the second season, I wondered just how much it would cost to eat like Dev.


The following restaurants were either shown or mentioned in season two.

The following restaurants were either shown or mentioned in season two.

Anytime the order was unclear, we went ahead and picked a few of the most popular dishes on the menu to get an idea of the price of an average meal at the restaurant. So, what did the tab come to?


Snacks at Salumeria Giusti, Modena, Italy - about $70

Snacks at Salumeria Giusti, Modena, Italy - about $70

Seventy dollars will get you an antipasta, primi piatti, secondi piatti, and a dolci (a typical dinner spread) at the iconic restaurant where Dev ate for his birthday.

Instagram: @andreacicu

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via BuzzFeed/Food

