It’s bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
1. Artificial banana flavoring doesn't taste like bananas we eat today because it is based on a variety of banana that was almost entirely wiped out by a fungus in the 1950s.
2. People have almost entirely bred the seeds out of bananas.
3. In 2016, China passed a new law that banned people from seductively eating bananas on live stream.
4. In the Philippines, bananas are used in place of tomatoes to make the popular banana ketchup.
5. Bananas ripen significantly faster when attached to a bunch.
6. A thief in Mumbai was forced to eat 48 bananas so that the gold chain he had swallowed when he was arrested would leave his body.
7. Bananas are curved because they grow upside-down towards the sun.
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via BuzzFeed/Food