Friday, 30 June 2017

Brace Yourselves Because Chocolate Peanut Butter Twinkies Are Here

:: Texts group chat ::

Everyone loves Twinkies, right?

Everyone loves Twinkies, right?

Even if you're a juice cleansing, meal-prepping olympian, you can't deny the nostalgic pull of this cream-filled snack.

@dwebb237 / Via

IMO: They're the perfect treat-yourself snack, the everyman's comfort food, and a sweet pick-me-up.

IMO: They're the perfect treat-yourself snack, the everyman's comfort food, and a sweet pick-me-up.

@bloody981 / Via

And starting this week, they'll be available in a new flavor — and it's frankly the best thing since Reese's Peanut Butter cups.

And starting this week, they'll be available in a new flavor — and it's frankly the best thing since Reese's Peanut Butter cups.

Cartoon Network

The new flavor I am talking about is of course — CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER 😍

The new flavor I am talking about is of course — CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER 😍

The new Twinkies will be made with chocolate cake and a peanut butter crème filling. *Sighs*

Business Wire / Via

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