Time to make dog maternity shoots a thing.
What do you do when you have an incredibly photogenic dog that's eight weeks pregnant? Well, if you're Elsa Veria-Means you throw your dog the cutest damn maternity photoshoot.
Elsa Veria-Means / Via Twitter: @elsa_means
Fusee, the two-year-old semi-professional dog model, is positively glowing in all the photos.
Elsa Veria-Means / Via Twitter: @elsa_means
"She is so photogenic, so I just figured something like this would be so perfect" Elsa told BuzzFeed. She's not wrong. Fusee rocks a flower crown better than any girl who has bothered heading to Coachella.
Elsa Veria-Means / Via Twitter: @elsa_means
@meet_clayton / Via Twitter: @meet_clayton
via Buzzfeed/Animals