Wednesday, 30 August 2017

22 Slightly Odd Things Everyone On A Gluten-Free Diet Has Done

You’ve never even considered leaving the house without your own snacks, for one.

Ordered an odd combination of small dishes to have as one meal.

Ordered an odd combination of small dishes to have as one meal.

And wiped the tears from your eyes while you watched everyone else gorge on huge stonebaked pizzas.

Flickr: zeldman / Creative Commons

Eaten the most miserable plain side salad because it’s the only thing you can have on the menu.

Eaten the most miserable plain side salad because it’s the only thing you can have on the menu.

Flickr: like_the_grand_canyon / Creative Commons

Been surprised at your own disappointment of some of the gluten-free "meals" you’ve been confronted with.

Been surprised at your own disappointment of some of the gluten-free "meals" you’ve been confronted with. / Flickr: 63723146@N08 / Creative Commons

Gone to the supermarket for essentials and come back having spent £67.98 on gluten-free snacks.

Gone to the supermarket for essentials and come back having spent £67.98 on gluten-free snacks.

Warner Bros. Pictures

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via BuzzFeed/Food

