Thursday, 31 August 2017

242 Funny Twitter Reactions To "Game Of Thrones" Season 7 That Will Keep You Laughing Forever

Or at least until Winter comes back.

Heck, you could maybe even argue that some look forward to the funny tweets even MORE than the show? But now that the show is over for another year (or, hopefully not, TWO), let's take a moment to relive the magic episode by episode through all the funniest tweets.

Episode 1, "Dragonstone."

Episode 1, "Dragonstone."

This is the one where Arya killed a bunch of dudes then hung with Ed Sheeran, Euron showed up after a Hot Topic shopping spree, and Sam went through a lot of shit (literally) only to find himself in a very Harry Potter-like situation.

Check out 21 Hilarious Twitter Reactions To The Season Premiere Of “Game Of Thrones” for more.

Twitter: @rosstara

Episode 2, "Stormborn."

Episode 2, "Stormborn."

This is the one where Grey Worm and Missandei (finally) got their (hot AF) sex on, Nymeria basically said, "New phone, who dis?" to Arya, and Theon disappointed the heck out of all of us (it's okay, Theon, we get it.)

Check out Just 21 Funny Twitter Reactions From The Latest "Game Of Thrones" Episode for more.

Twitter: @Belom3

Episode 3, "The Queen's Justice."

Episode 3, "The Queen's Justice."

This is the one where emo Bran confused the heck out of Sansa, Dany and Jon finally met (and we spend like two hours listening to all her titles/names), and our fucking hero Olenna Tyrell blessed us with her most iconic (and last) line ever — "Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me."

Check out 21 Funny Twitter Reactions From The Latest “Game Of Thrones” Episode That Will Make You LOL for more.

Twitter: @susdyfire

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