Thursday, 24 August 2017

The Comments On This HGTV Cake Decorating Video Are So Fucking Good, You Have To Read Them

Ok, I love cake drama!!

Ok so, HGTV for some reason decided to enter the cake decorating world, and post this video on Facebook saying "Your party guests will ask who designed your cake. Tell them it was you." Then they showed us the cake...

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Facebook: video.php

Basically... 1) They took off the icing on the sides because it's "naked style" and obviously a ~vintage~ cake.

Basically... 1) They took off the icing on the sides because it's "naked style" and obviously a ~vintage~ cake.

Facebook: HGTV

2) They added rosemary and other herbs to the top of the cake (?????)

2) They added rosemary and other herbs to the top of the cake (?????)

Facebook: HGTV

3) They dumped a whole lot of strawberries, one lemon wedge and two macaroons on top.

3) They dumped a whole lot of strawberries, one lemon wedge and two macaroons on top.

Facebook: HGTV

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via BuzzFeed/Food

