Thursday 21 September 2017

7 Types Of Passenger Every Flight Attendant Dreads

Are you one of them…?

Emi Tulett / Getty

The Flirts

The Flirts

“When passengers with outrageous morning breath try and flirt with you towards the end of a 12-hour flight.”

Emi Tulett / Getty

The Unconcerned Parents

The Unconcerned Parents

“After completing the safety demonstration and just minutes before take-off, I see a man holding up an infant — who was clearly standing on his lap so therefore not secured with a seatbelt on. I quickly ran up to him as we are on the taxiway, made sure the child was secured, and to my shock saw another unsecured child crawling around on the floor. This is whilst we were on the taxiway and I was just so shocked that the parents had such little regard to the safety of their own children!”

Emi Tulett / Getty

The Picky Eaters

The Picky Eaters

“We have two choices of meals onboard, usually a vegetarian option and a non-vegetarian option. Sometimes our passengers are left with no choice, and I do feel bad, but what can you do at 35,000ft in the air? There was one man who was extremely unhappy with receiving the vegetarian lasagna meal and made it his life’s mission to let everyone in economy know about his disdain. He shoved the plate back in my face, shouted 'I don’t want this, I want meat!' and continued to make a huge fuss about it while I served everyone else, who were waiting patiently, their food.”

Emi Tulett / Getty

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via BuzzFeed/Travel

