Can I have some?
You and your friend always bond over food. That's a fact.
markaaay / Via Twitter: @Markaaaay
Which is why you jump at every opportunity to go out with them...
stability / Via
New Line Cinema / meanplastic / Via Twitter: @meanpIastic
But, when you do decide on somewhere to go, that place had better be ready.
lx34e / Via
Because you guys chow down and think nothing of it.
samkalidi / Via Twitter: @samkalidi
Like, seriously, it's a "no judgement" zone.
American / tatum_strangely / Via Twitter: @Tatum_Strangely
Your friend knows that you'll happily help them finish their meal.
majinclyde / Via Twitter: @MajinClyde
Though, honestly, both of you know that you're helping whether they like it or not.
nohoessjayy / Via Twitter: @NoHoessJayy
And they expect nothing in return.
nevvzealand / Via
Sometimes, you don't even have to eat out to have food with them. You can just buy each other snacks at the grocery store.
fireflufferz / Via Twitter: @Fireflufferz
Or raid each other's kitchen cabinets.
marcinmrowca / Via Twitter: @marcinmrowca
Which means diets don't work too well.
alpacabrooke / Via Twitter: @alpacabrooke
And not eating with you is the second worst thing your friend can do.
starrtank / Via Twitter: @StarrTank
The first, of course, is eating without you.
elias_xavior / Via Twitter: @Elias_Xavior
donj0rdan / Via Twitter: @DonJ0rdan
...and whenever...
ABC / yasmeen712g / Via Twitter: @yasmeen712g
...You guys are always down to bond over food.
zackisontumblr / Via
via BuzzFeed/Food