Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Applebee's Is Selling $1 Margaritas Throughout October And Damn, I'm Already Drunk

The neighborhood just got a little more turnt.

We've all been drunk at an Applebee's one time or another.

We've all been drunk at an Applebee's one time or another.

OK, maybe not ALL, but if you haven't, I have some great news for you.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

Applebee's recently announced that they are selling $1 margaritas, named Dollaritas, EVERY DAY for the entire month of October.

Applebee's recently announced that they are selling $1 margaritas, named Dollaritas, EVERY DAY for the entire month of October.

The margaritas are part of their Applebee's Neighborhood Appreciation Month and come on the rocks.

Leigh Beisch

I know, sounds too good to be true, but I can already feel the hangover.

I know, sounds too good to be true, but I can already feel the hangover.


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via BuzzFeed/Food

