Sunday, 5 November 2017

14 Things That Will Take You Back If You Loved Movies In The '90s

Why exactly did you see so many Pauly Shore movies?

Nobody prepared you for Macauley Culkin's character dying in My Girl.

Nobody prepared you for Macauley Culkin's character dying in My Girl.

These were the days before the internet, so you knew nothing about the plot. You just waltzed into the theater thinking, “Yay! Another movie with that cute, funny kid from Home Alone!” Then you left basically needing therapy — because no one warned you!


Clueless made you a HUGE Alicia Silverstone fan….

Clueless made you a HUGE Alicia Silverstone fan….


...but Excess Baggage and Batman and Robin seriously dampered your enthusiasm.

...but Excess Baggage and Batman and Robin seriously dampered your enthusiasm.

Sorry, Alicia.

Warner Bros./Columbia

You thought Jim Carrey was pretty damn funny — but you didn't think your classmates' endless Jim Carrey impressions were.

You thought Jim Carrey was pretty damn funny — but you didn't think your classmates' endless Jim Carrey impressions were.

Kid in period one: "Want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? Aaaaargh!"
Kid in period two: "Oooooh, somebody stop me!"
Kid in period three: "Alllllllllllllllllrighty then!"
You in every period: "STOP! JUST STOP!"

Warner Bros./New Line

You may not have constantly quoted Jim Carrey, but after seeing Friday you WERE guilty of saying "Damn!" every chance you got.

You may not have constantly quoted Jim Carrey, but after seeing Friday you WERE guilty of saying "Damn!" every chance you got.

New Line

You were crazy about Beverly Hills, 90210, so you raced out to see the first movies by the cast...and you were NOT rewarded for your dedication.

You were crazy about Beverly Hills, 90210, so you raced out to see the first movies by the cast...and you were NOT rewarded for your dedication.

Dude, Brandon Walsh, WTF was Calendar Girl? And Dylan McKay, Terminal Bliss was more like interminable miss.


In hindsight, you have no idea why you saw so many Pauly Shore movies.

In hindsight, you have no idea why you saw so many Pauly Shore movies.

1994: "Hey Bud-dy!" LOLOLOLOLOL
2017: "Hey Bud-dy!" NOOOOOOOO


You almost always won your Oscar pools because you always bet on the period piece for Best Picture.

You almost always won your Oscar pools because you always bet on the period piece for Best Picture.

Only 2/9 of the decade’s Best Picture Winners (bolded below) were set in the present day:

1990 — Dances With Wolves
1991 — The Silence of the Lambs
1992 — Unforgiven
1993 — Schindler’s List
1994 — Forrest Gump
1995 — Braveheart
1996 — The English Patient
1997 — Titanic
1998 — Shakespeare in Love
1999 — American Beauty


You loved Election, but hated not being able to talk about it because pretty much no one else had seen it.

You loved Election, but hated not being able to talk about it because pretty much no one else had seen it.

If people are going to be real, so many of the '90s movies people love today — like Swing Kids or Empire Records — went unnoticed at the time, so you were constantly left hanging trying to have conversations about them. Again, you couldn't jump on the internet to discuss them!


Today you might be a little embarrassed (or proud, lol) of just how many times you saw Titanic in theaters.

Today you might be a little embarrassed (or proud, lol) of just how many times you saw Titanic in theaters.

Leo + Kate (+you) 4eva.

Paramount/20th Century Fox

New Line/20th Century Fox

It was the golden age of baseball movies — A League of Their Own, Rookie of the Year, The Sandlot, Angels in the Outfield — the list goes on and on.

It was the golden age of baseball movies — A League of Their Own, Rookie of the Year, The Sandlot, Angels in the Outfield — the list goes on and on.

Also of note: When you saw Gary Busey in Rookie of the Year he seemed like a totally normal dude. Watch it now and you're like, "Is that really Busey?"

20th Century Fox/Columbia/Disney

You absolutely knew one (or ten) Tarantino fans who talked your ear off about wanting to go to film school.

You absolutely knew one (or ten) Tarantino fans who talked your ear off about wanting to go to film school.

The easiest way to shut them up was to say, "Film school, huh? You do realize Tarantino never went, right?"


And, lastly, some of your best memories of the ‘90s involved going with friends and family to see the latest movies by these familiar faces.

And, lastly, some of your best memories of the ‘90s involved going with friends and family to see the latest movies by these familiar faces.

Columbia/Warner/New Line/Disney/Paramount

via BuzzFeed/Travel

