So. Much. Adrenaline.
Arnold Schwarzenegger uses the gun from Predator again in T2: Judgement Day.
I'll be back, choppa!
TriStar Pictures/20th Century Fox / Via
Roadshow Film Distributors / Via
A poster for Batman v Superman can be seen in I Am Legend.
I am Legend's writer, Akiva Goldsman, wrote an early draft of BvS, which never came to light. The film was eventually rewritten and made NINE YEARS later.
Warner Bros. Pictures / Via
Warner Bros. / Via
Paul Freeman eats a fly in Raider of the Lost Ark.
Or does he? According to the actor, it's just a clever edit.
Paramount Pictures / Via
The spelling of Holly's last name changes in Die Hard.
Her office door in the film says "Gennero", but IMDB lists it as "Gennaro".
20th Century Fox / Via
Cate Blanchett makes an appearance in Hot Fuzz...
You can tell by the eyes.
Universal Pictures / Via
...and so does Peter Jackson.
His eyes are less mezmerizing, tbh.
Universal Pictures / Via
There's a fleeing Spiderman in The Italian Job.
The 2003 version, not the 1969 version (as far as we know).
Paramount Pictures / Via
The Bride's shoes say "Fuck U" in Kill Bill: Volume 1.
Lionsgate / Via
Michael Bay makes a cameo in Bad Boys II.
Bay actually makes cameos in lots of his films, including Armageddon and Transformers. / Via Columbia Pictures
One of "The Girls of Old Town" is dressed as Wonder Woman in Sin City.
Note the lasso.
Miramax / Via
Warner Bros. / Via
Drew Barrymore ends up at the E.T. house in Charlie's Angels.
Drew's first big role was as Gertie in E.T. Note the movie poster on the wall and bowl of Reese's Pieces.
Columbia Pictures / Via
Dan Aykroyd makes a cameo in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
Which was released the same year as Ghostbusters (1984).
Paramount Pictures / Via
The black heart graffiti changes to red when Deborah walks by in Baby Driver.
Because of true love and stuff.
TriStar Pictures / Via
The American flags in Watchmen have 51 stars.
In this alternate reality, Vietnam became the 51st state after America won the war.
Paramount Pictures / Via
You see a total of 836 dead bodies in the extended cut of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
The highest body count in movie history.
New Line Cinema / Via
The opening of Skyfall foreshadows M's fate.
Not to spoil things, but that's a graveyard.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Via
Die Hard 2 features a Lethal Weapon ad.
The lady reading this magazine has good taste.
20th Century Fox / Via
Dom's Dodge Charger from Fast and the Furious can be seen in Herbie: Fully Loaded.
Which means they MUST exist in the same universe.
Buena Vista Pictures / Via
The balloons in Time Cop are a nod to Van Damme's infamous splits.
Why else would balloons look like that?
Largo Entertainment / Via
In Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, the dance floor is made to look like a chessboard.
Because Holmes and Moriarty are always chessing it up.
Warner Bros / Via
In Spider-Man: Homecoming, Michelle is reading Of Human Bondage.
Which is the story of an orphan who goes to live with his aunt and uncle. Sound familiar?
Sony Pictures / Via
Stephen Norrington, the director of Blade, makes a brief cameo in the film.
There he is, vamping on some poor lady.
New Line Cinema / Via
Matt Damon doesn't just disappear in the The Bourne Identity.
He literally just ducks and runs alongside this truck.
Universal Pictures / Via
Kurt Russell's shirt from Big Trouble in Little China is hanging on the bar's wall in Death Proof.
Kurt, of course, plays Stuntman Mike in Tarantino's Death Proof.
Miramax/20th Century Fox / Via
In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sean Connery is shot by James Bond's gun.
The Walther PPK was the primary gun used by Connery's Bond in Dr. No.
Paramount Pictures/United Artists / Via
You can spot Ian Malcolm’s book throughout Jurassic World.
And you'll spot Ian Malcolm in the new film, because life found a way!
Universal / Via
Adam Brody wears a Fight Club shirt in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Both films star Brad Pitt (obviously).
20th Century Fox / Via
There's a centaur cop in Netflix's Bright.
Someone PLEASE tell David Ayer we need more of this guy in the sequel.
Netflix / Via
Tom Cruise never fires a gun in the first Mission: Impossible film.
But his character, Ethan Hunt, makes up for it in the four sequels.
Paramount Pictures / Via
You can spot the OG Human Torch costume in Captain America: The First Avenger.
Of course, Chris Evans played both Marvel characters.
Marvel / Via
Lionsgate / Via
Clive Owen sports a 2012 London Olympics shirt in Children of Men, which was made in 2006.
The location of the 2012 Olympics was announced in 2005, and Children of Men takes place in 2027.
Universal Pictures / Via
In Saving Private Ryan, the soldiers who are shot while attempting to surrender are Czech, not German.
They're saying, “Please don’t shoot me, I am not a German, I am a Czech, I didn’t kill anyone!” adding a whole new layer of brutal sadness to the film.
DreamWorks Pictures / Via
Mark Hamill's character works at Imperial College in Kingsman: The Secret Service.
This may not have been an intentional nod to Star Wars, but it's still cool.
20th Century Fox / Via
In the end of The Dark Knight Rises, the missing pearls from Bruce's estate are on Selina.
Stop peering into my soul, Christian Bale.
Warner Bros. / Via
20th Century Fox / Via
There are ads for The Terminator in Last Action Hero, but starring Stallone.
Arnold and Sly take jabs and make references to each other in many of their films, including Twins, Tango & Cash, Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, True Lies, and Demolition Man.
Columbia Picture / Via
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