Thursday, 4 January 2018

In-N-Out Now Has Hot Chocolate And People Are Losing Their Minds

🚨It’s the first time the burger chain has changed its menu in about 15 years🚨

Excuse me. I interrupt your day to bring you some breaking news: In-N-Out has brought back hot-f'ing-chocolate. That's right. You can now drink this bad boy with your burger and animal-style fries any time you want because it's now here year round.

Excuse me. I interrupt your day to bring you some breaking news: In-N-Out has brought back hot-f'ing-chocolate. That's right. You can now drink this bad boy with your burger and animal-style fries any time you want because it's now here year round.

Brianna Sacks

The marshmallow-topped sensation actually started showing up in restaurants last month and it had people damn near shook.

The marshmallow-topped sensation actually started showing up in restaurants last month and it had people damn near shook.


"This is actually the return of hot cocoa. My grandparents, Harry and Esther Snyder, served it for many years beginning in the '50s. I’m not sure how it fell off the menu but it’s part of our culture and something special for kids, and I’m happy that we’re bringing it back," Lynsi Snyder, In-N-Out Burger president, told BuzzFeed News on Wednesday. "For a certain generation, hot cocoa is an In-N-Out classic, and we hope it will be a favorite of a new generation. It’s quality cocoa from Ghirardelli and yes, we serve it with marshmallows!"

Here it is on the menu. Ah-maz-ing to see IRL.

Here it is on the menu. Ah-maz-ing to see IRL.

Brianna Sacks

BuzzFeed News interviewed about six people for this story and all of them concluded that the hot chocolate was delicious, not too sweet, and with just the right amount of chocolate.

"It's really rich and smooth but I'm not sure how it goes with a burger, but ya," said this customer named Tim.

"It's really rich and smooth but I'm not sure how it goes with a burger, but ya," said this customer named Tim.

Brianna Sacks

However, one thing is missing from this chocolate journey: Unlike most of the wrappers and packaging at the Irvine-based burger chain, the hot chocolate cups are not inscribed with hidden Bible verses.

The Snyders founded In-N-Out in 1948 and the religious family still owns and runs the business. If you turn over your soda cups or check your hamburger wrappers, you'll see Bible scriptures, like John 3:16 and Revelation 3:20, which, according to Snopes, bear special significance.

via BuzzFeed/Food

