Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes Exist In The World Now And Here’s Our Verdict

They’re magically frost-licious.

Because 2018 is determined to be a million times better than 2017, we now have Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes in our lives.

Yes, you heard that correctly. LUCKY CHARMS FROSTED FLAKES.

And, for the record, these are NOT Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, but General Mills' own version of sweetened corn flakes.

And, for the record, these are NOT Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, but General Mills' own version of sweetened corn flakes.

General Mills / Kellogg's

ANYWAY...when we heard about this magical, sugary masterpiece, NATURALLY we had to try it.

ANYWAY...when we heard about this magical, sugary masterpiece, NATURALLY we had to try it.

Your resident sugar experts.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

When we poured out a bowl, we thought it looked less like something we'd normally eat and more like something Kevin McCallister would've made while hanging out at home alone.

When we poured out a bowl, we thought it looked less like something we'd normally eat and more like something Kevin McCallister would've made while hanging out at home alone.

Farrah Penn / BuzzFeed

20th Century Fox

It's literally Lucky Charms marshmallows mixed in with frosted corn flakes.

It's literally Lucky Charms marshmallows mixed in with frosted corn flakes.

Pretty straight-forward, ya know?

Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed

Final thoughts:

Final thoughts:

Pablo: I’m riding my rainbow to the grocery store and getting a few dozen more boxes of this stuff.

Crystal: Call me a converted Lucky Charms fan, because I'd gladly rob a leprechaun for these.

Crystal Ro / BuzzFeed

via BuzzFeed/Food

