Not all rats are subway rats.
Rats are the best pets. Just look at this cute little furball:
Reddit: /u/space_crafty / Via
They’re the coziest critters ever:
Reddit: /u/rattrash45 / Via
And did you know rats actually care a lot about democracy? Because they do:
Reddit: /u/nthny / Via
They also make great musicians:
Rats also manage to be cute even while sleeping:
Reddit: /u/barc0des / Via
They're playful and curious lil' creatures:
Reddit: /u/ugh899 / Via
Rats are the perfect pet to lovingly smoosh:
Reddit: /u/___staxx / Via
They eat with tiny pink feet and it's certifiably adorable:
Reddit: /u/dkl2305 / Via
They love to play games, such as tug-of-war:
Reddit: /u/taupro / Via
Rats can make anywhere their home:
Instagram: @jillfenimoreblythe
They're peaceful little angels:
Rats have extremely boop-able faces:
They are also wonderfully derpy:
Instagram: @ratshavefeelingstoo
They are constantly seeking adventure:
Reddit: /u/leventhalo / Via
Rats are downright expressive:
You can dress them up in tiny lil' clothes:
Or even tiny lil' glasses:
They are easy to care for, so having more than one is totally manageable:
Instagram: @rats_and_cats_story
Their eyes are pools of pure affection:
They aren't all one color and actually have a variety of fur patterns:
And finally, all they want in return is your love:
via Buzzfeed/Animals