Friday 18 November 2016

Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately?

Reading Roundup: What's new in blogging this week /


Facebook Says It Found More Miscalculated Metrics | The Wall Street Journal


Three Different Ways to Name Your Blog or Website | Aliventures

It’s such a big decision! And sometimes we need all the help we can get.

How Often to Post on Social Media? [Proven Research from 10 Studies] | CoSchedule

We read this sort of thing every time, and plenty of it does come down to when your audience responds best. But it’s also pretty interesting to see a cross-section of answers from multiple research projects.

The Magical Content that Gets Links and Shares – New Research | Buzzsumo

At the end of the day, there’s not getting out of it – good content is what gets shared, good content takes time and effort. There’s no overnight diet for awesome shareability!

3 SEO New Year’s Resolutions | StewArt Media

Say what now? Yes, it’s almost 2017. And with some big Google changes, you might want to re-think your strategy for next year.


Letting go of Gratitude | Potential Psychology

I especially notice this time of year where people haven’t quite hit the goals they set for themselves, or something else has happened with their blog where they feel they’re not where they want to be. Ellen gives is a great reminder to count your blessings and remember what you do have, and what you have achieved. Not necessarily for gratitude, but to balance out what you think are the failures or negatives.

How to Create Keyword Maps and Avoid Cannibalization (The SEO Variety) | Inbound

I had no idea cannibalization (of the SEO variety) even existed! But this sure was an eye-opener – a very helpful one.

Are You A Social Media Team of One? This Toolkit Can Help | Hootsuite

I am! I am!

Be Consistent and Small. That’s How You Win at Business | By Regina

And to be honest, it’s how anyone gets anything done. Really beautifully written, and a great reminder.

ow Even Twitter is Copying Snapchat | Mashable

Oh why not, everyone else is! Now you can follow someone on Twitter using QR codes, just like Snapchat has always done. Keep up, ok?!

What’s caught your eye this week?

The post Reading Roundup: What’s New in Blogging Lately? appeared first on ProBlogger.


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