Thursday, 29 June 2017

Chickens Are Fed Colorful Foods To Make Egg Yolks Yellower

This is inter-egg-sting news.

Raise your hand if you think eggs are the most amazing breakfast, lunch, and dinner food.

Raise your hand if you think eggs are the most amazing breakfast, lunch, and dinner food.

THAT WAS A TRICK QUESTION. Every hand should be raised because eggs are obviously the greatest.

Warner Bros.-Seven Arts

ANYWAY. Did all of you egg-lovers know that chickens are fed yellow things to give egg yolks that beautiful ~sunny~ color?!?!

ANYWAY. Did all of you egg-lovers know that chickens are fed yellow things to give egg yolks that beautiful ~sunny~ color?!?!


Yup! Egg yolk color is dependent on a hen's diet. I'd like to say it's from the power of egg magic — because, again, eggs are fantastic — but it really boils down to science.

Yup! Egg yolk color is dependent on a hen's diet. I'd like to say it's from the power of egg magic — because, again, eggs are fantastic — but it really boils down to science.


Certain plants contain yellow-orange pigments called xanthophylls. After being eaten by the chicken, these pigments are deposited in the egg yolk, resulting in a sunny-yellow color!

Certain plants contain yellow-orange pigments called xanthophylls. After being eaten by the chicken, these pigments are deposited in the egg yolk, resulting in a sunny-yellow color!

Leonsbox / Getty Images

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via BuzzFeed/Food

