Wednesday, 27 September 2017

12 Comics That Will Make Any Tea Lover Scream "YES"

Things putting on the kettle will fix: Everything.

Winter is coming... AND SO IS PEAK TEA SEASON.

Winter is coming... AND SO IS PEAK TEA SEASON.

Loryn Brantz / BuzzFeed

So, make sure you know who you can trust...

So, make sure you know who you can trust...

Jasmin Nahar / BuzzFeed

...or else you'll end up with milky tea. 🤢

...or else you'll end up with milky tea. 🤢

Flo Perry / BuzzFeed

But not to worry — tea solves all problems.

But not to worry — tea solves all problems.

Gena-Mour Barrett / BuzzFeed

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via BuzzFeed/Food

