Monday 25 September 2017

16 Questions We All Ask Ourselves Every Time We Shop At Costco

Why is the sample lady taking so long?

Should I be ashamed that I only came here for the samples?

Should I be ashamed that I only came here for the samples?

And should I also be ashamed that I snuck two of each one?

drkaylarandhawa / Via

Do I really need THAT much of my favorite food?

Do I really need THAT much of my favorite food?

They say you only regret the things in life you don't do.

Twitter: @ciaomichaella

Are people judging me for buying alcohol in bulk?

Are people judging me for buying alcohol in bulk?

Come on, this much vodka for only $19.99?!

Krista Torres / Via BuzzFeed

Is today the day I break down and finally buy the giant bear?

Is today the day I break down and finally buy the giant bear?

It's going to happen sooner or later.

hayanana / Via

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via BuzzFeed/Food

