Wednesday, 4 October 2017

"Bob's Burgers" Is Getting Its Own Feature Film And I'm Happy-Wine-Dancing Like Linda Right Now

The Belchers are coming to the big screen.

REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS ALERT: The best family on TV is getting their very own feature film!!!

REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS ALERT: The best family on TV is getting their very own feature film!!!


We also know it has to fill every inch of the screen with the colors and the sounds and the ever so slightly greasy texture of the world of Bob’s — but most of all it has to take our characters on an epic adventure. In other words, it has to be the best movie ever made. But no pressure, right?!

What's that you hear? Oh, it's just Tina preparing for her breakout role...

What's that you hear? Oh, it's just Tina preparing for her breakout role...


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via BuzzFeed/Travel

