Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Charlamagne Tha God Stands By His Reaction To Lil Duval's Transphobic Comments

“To me, I did push back,” Charlamagne said on AM to DM.

Charlamagne was criticized for his response as Duval made transphobic comments.

Charlamagne was criticized for his response as Duval made transphobic comments.

Twitter: @breakfastclubam

"We don't condone those kind of hate crimes at all. Not even a little bit. And one thing...another thing I learned this week is that 15 transgender women have been murdered in 2017 and 13 of them have been women of color, that that number could be higher, but I do know the majority of them have been women of color. Like I think one, a transgender woman got killed this week in Atlanta, if I'm not mistaken. So, you know, her name was TeeTee Dangerfield actually, so rest in peace to her. So The Breakfast Club will continue to do what it always does and that provides a platform for the voiceless."

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via BuzzFeed/Travel

