Go on. Try.
This is what they ~want~ you to think when someone says "raccoon."
Dzphotovideo / Getty Images
But that's just some anti-raccoon PROPAGANDA.
Dzphotovideo / Getty Images
*This website is free thooo sooooo
Raccoons help teach swimming to other raccoons. It is sweet.
Raccoons are patient and well-mannered house guests.
And they wash their hands after using the bathroom even if they aren't an employee!
Raccoons will do all the cleaning and not resent you for it!
Raccoons can ride bikes.
Also they care about other species. Like cats.
And dogs.
Raccoons are natural gymnasts.
Don't feel like going out into the cold to buy some groceries? Raccoons will do that for you. Because they CARE.
Raccoons are gentle.
They are funny as heck!!!!
And they are affectionate.
They are curious and inspired little folk.
And do they also ride on scooters you ask? Why yes! They do.
In conclusion: it's time to give raccoons the love they deserve.
via Buzzfeed/Animals