♫ Mini beef tacos… ♫
Before you read on, you're gonna need to know the tune to "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles, so here it is:
Sing it with me! 🎵 Mini beef tacos 🎵
Daniel Spenser
A little while back I heard the song on the radio and, instead of concentrating on what I was doing (driving a car over a gorge on two thin wooden planks), I started thinking about other names that could fit in place of Eleanor Rigby (Allison Williams, Dylan McDermott, Mackenzie Davis, etc.) and soon it devolved into any word/phrase that was five syllables... I got bored at Trader Joe's and remembered that the nation's deep thirst for content aligned with my desperate need for attention so I started taking pictures of all the five-syllable product names and people were into it.
Anyway, good luck going to Trader Joe's now without this song in your head.
Nancy T. / Via yelp.com
via BuzzFeed/Food