Sunday, 11 March 2018

18 Weird Hangover Cures People Actually Swear By

Don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

Editor's note: The only way to completely avoid a hangover is to not consume alcohol. And we can’t vouch for the efficacy of any of these remedies — try at your own risk!

Some Gatorade, Emergen-C, and Alka-Seltzer. Oh, and a double bacon cheeseburger.

Some Gatorade, Emergen-C, and Alka-Seltzer. Oh, and a double bacon cheeseburger.

Gatorade (or Pedialyte) with a packet of Emergen-C and two Alka-Seltzer tablets to wash down a double bacon egg and cheese. It’ll cure even the worst hangovers.

Amazon / Getty Images

Cold Chinese food.

Cold Chinese food.

If I know I'm going to go out drinking, I'll order Chinese food for dinner beforehand that night so I have leftovers in the morning.

Danny4stockphoto / Getty Images

Swimming in cold water.

Swimming in cold water.

Or more like floating. In a pool, in the sea, anywhere with enough water to freeze your hangover brain.

Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images

Bhofack2 / Getty Images

Pickles and pickle juice.

Pickles and pickle juice.

Pickles! If I have a hangover the best thing to help get rid of it in the morning is to eat several pickles. I assume its the potassium in them.

Pickles. Pickles. Pickles.

Pickle juice. It’s like magic. Drink some pickle juice before you go to bed and you’ll wake up feeling like a new person. It’s the best thing in the world.

Merc67 / Getty Images

Beef ramen with a lot of Sriracha and some Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Beef ramen with a lot of Sriracha and some Flamin' Hot Cheetos.

Spicy always helps me.


A hot bowl of pho.

A hot bowl of pho.

Steaming hot bowl of pho.

Steamy bowl of pho with extra Sriracha. I swear its hangover medicine.

Pho. The perfect amount of salt protein and carbs to get you back up on your feet after a long night of drinking.

Rez-art / Getty Images



Chugging a glass of whole milk. It eases the nausea and my headache is gone almost immediately! Everyone I've shared this with cringed at first but agreed it worked once they tried it.

I know it doesn’t sound appetizing but nothing settles my stomach post-wild night better than a big ole glass of MILK.

Normally, I’ll drink a gallon of milk the day after. My body just craves it and it makes me feel so much better. But sometimes I need a pop or something as well, so a root beer float is the best of both worlds, and has worked every time.

Pilipphoto / Getty Images

Sharrocks / Getty Images



It basically changed my life. Take it before you go to bed, it completely negates your sick stomach. Then, have a little Gatorade and a greasy breakfast sandwich. Good as new!

Dramamine is the best cure I've encountered for really bad hangovers. Coupled with a diet Coke and some mac and cheese, you're a whole new person. But Dramamine is a game changer.

Sugar AND salt dissolved in a glass of water.

Sugar AND salt dissolved in a glass of water.

Five teaspoons sugar and one teaspoon salt dissolved in a glass of water. Heard this from a friend's dad. Works. Every. Time. I even make this before I leave the house so it’s ready after a night of drinking.

Gosphotodesign / Getty Images

Allexxandar / Getty Images

Cucumber sandwiches, Advil, and water.

Cucumber sandwiches, Advil, and water.

My hangover cure has been the same thing for as long as I can remember. Right when I get home, before I go to bed, I drink a huge glass of water and eat a cucumber sandwich with mayo and salt and pepper. Then I take a glass of ice water with me to bed with an Advil. I always wake up with virtually no hangover after!

Azurita / Getty Images

Helovi / Getty Images

Margouillatphotos / Getty Images

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