Thursday 22 March 2018

There's A New "Deadpool 2" Trailer And Holy Heck, Guys

“And that is why ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ is pure pornography.”

So, we've been treated to a couple of gems in the form of Deadpool 2 teasers over the past few weeks, but we haven't gotten too much to really ~bite into.~

So, we've been treated to a couple of gems in the form of Deadpool 2 teasers over the past few weeks, but we haven't gotten too much to really ~bite into.~

20th Century Fox

But that changed today, because we finally got a traditional* full-length trailer for the sequel, and it looks absolutely A-W-E-S-O-M-E:

*As "traditional" as a trailer for a Deadpool movie could ever be.

20th Century Fox / Via

All of our favorites are back in full force.

All of our favorites are back in full force.

20th Century Fox

And we have a whole plethora of new badass characters to look forward to meeting.

And we have a whole plethora of new badass characters to look forward to meeting.

20th Century Fox

The trailer also includes the first official mention of theX-Force, which is, ya know, kind of a big deal.

The trailer also includes the first official mention of theX-Force, which is, ya know, kind of a big deal.

20th Century Fox

And, of course, plenty of that iconic ~Deadpool humor.~

And, of course, plenty of that iconic ~Deadpool humor.~

A shot at his lovely IRL wife Blake Lively, perhaps?

20th Century Fox

Only one thing's for sure, May 18 can't get here soon enough!

Only one thing's for sure, May 18 can't get here soon enough!

20th Century Fox

via BuzzFeed/Travel

