Wednesday, 11 April 2018

13 Things We Learned From Gordon Ramsay's Cooking Masterclass

Including a genius tip that’s the key to a perfect poached egg.

There's a right and a wrong side with tin foil.

There's a right and a wrong side with tin foil.

Whenever you use tin foil, make sure the shiny side is up and the dull side is in. The dull side insulates the heat better.

Some lemon zest will brighten up rock salt.

Some lemon zest will brighten up rock salt.

"Don't buy shit salt. Get some great rock salt, zest a lemon and add the lemon zest to elevate your salt," Gordon advises.

To test if a butternut squash is ripe, turn it upside down.

To test if a butternut squash is ripe, turn it upside down.

Push the pit at the bottom of the squash with your thumb. It should be firm, not soft and squidgy.

To get the juiciest lemons, just roll them before squeezing.

To get the juiciest lemons, just roll them before squeezing.

Roll lemons or limes before you use them. It will make them more juicy. It also makes them easier to squeeze.

Always rest your chicken before cooking it.

Always rest your chicken before cooking it.

If you're cooking a chicken breast, take it out of the fridge and let it relax for three minutes before cooking it. Lightly season it as it gets up to room temperature. If you cook it when it's cold, it will go dry before it's cooked in the centre, Gordon warns.

When seasoning a fillet of beef (for a Beef Wellington), be firm with the meat.

When seasoning a fillet of beef (for a Beef Wellington), be firm with the meat.

Push the meat into the seasoning so it really penetrates the beef. Also make sure to quickly sear the meat to lock in all the juices. Sear both ends of the fillets – not just the sides.

via BuzzFeed/Food

