Warning: These are NSFW! 🚨
This warm and supple mozzarella waffle getting ripped in two:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This sizzling grilled cheese teasing you with its tasteful side-cheese:
Grandriver / Getty Images
This cheese sauce you just want to drizzle all over your body:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This fondue you'd do bad things to behind closed doors:
Tuned_in / Getty Images
This mac 'n' cheese ball giving you a peak of what's inside:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This voluptuous brie that's just oozing all over the plate:
Alexpro9500 / Getty Images
This Monterey Jack that's melting into the deep, deep crevices of these tortilla chips:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This cheese that's working its way down the side of the meat:
@the . food . pundit / Via instagram.com
This bratwurst being smothered in beer cheese:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This hot dog that's getting totally drenched in gooey mozzarella:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This stringy cauliflower grilled cheese that's getting stretched to its limits:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This seductively smooth mac 'n' cheese that's playfully teasing you to come get a taste:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This pretzel that's barely wearing any clothing:
Lauri Patterson / Getty Images
This cheese-filled pretzel bite that's ready to burst:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This aligot blend you just want to dive into head first:
Margouillatphotos / Getty Images
This mature raclette you wish would wrap itself around you:
Food Network / Via foodnetwork.com
This entrancing potato skin boat you'd let sail right into your mouth:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This chili cheese that's dripping onto every last fry on the plate:
@rkbatx / Via instagram.com
This tater tot with a cheddary surprise waiting for you inside:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This cheddar-stuffed burger that's luring you inside for a little taste:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This burger bowl that's inviting you to bathe in its cheesy lagoon:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
This pizza pretzel that's tantalizing you with its pull-apart striptease:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
Finally, this bread that's swimming in sensual, cheese-filled waters:
Tasty / Via tasty.co
via BuzzFeed/Food