As if you needed another reason to hate cockroaches.
Before we go throwing stones, let's first be honest about ourselves: I fart. You fart. WE. ALL. FART.
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Not only do American cockroaches fart, but if you've ever seen one in your pantry, it probably farted ON YOUR FOOD. Gives a whole new meaning to "cut the cheese," you know?
Aopsan / Getty Images
Giraffes may look like elegant creatures, but their farts smell really bad. Lucky for them, their noses are so far away from their butts that they probably can't smell a thing.
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Kangaroos also fart, but unfortunately not as a propulsion mechanism to jump, which would be amazing.
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Zebra farts are so loud that you can literally hear them "from long distances across the plains of Africa" — the perfect soundtrack to a safari vacation!
tarabird / Getty Images
TBH, I've always mistrusted goats, but now I feel totally justified: A plane full of them once had to land because they farted so much the fire alarm went off. 💨🚨
VeraOsco / Getty Images
Not only do sea lions have the smelliest farts out of all million+ animal species, but their farts also — *holds nose* — smell like rotten fish.
Andrea Izzotti / Getty Images
And whales' farts, while not the smelliest, are actually the biggest farts of them all.
eco2drew / Getty Images
I'm happy to report that although llamas fart, their farts don't smell too bad — that is, according to people who've smelled them.
Pakhnyushchyy / Getty Images
Python farts are "thick and meaty," words that sound fine when describing a steak, but not when describing snake fecal fumes.
Chris_tefme / Getty Images
Ferrets occasionally startle themselves when they fart (or maybe they're just looking around for someone else to blame).
ijimenez / Getty Images
Millipedes also fart, but given that the size of their farts is proportional to the size of their bodies, you'll probably never have to worry about smelling them.
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Between their beard and their butts, bearded dragons are repulsive at both ends.
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Given that honey badgers look like skunks, it's not totally surprising that they fart. What is surprising is that their farts are so strong they use them to overwhelm bees when ravaging their nests for honey.
wrangel / Getty Images
Iguanas fart too, and because knowledge is power, I should also tell you that the more fiber they eat, the "wetter" their farts sound. 🙃
wjenningsphotography / Getty Images
And finally, because nothing is sacred, dolphins' farts are silent but deadly, reeking of their fishy diet. 😭
federicoriz / Getty Images
via Buzzfeed/Animals