God has abandoned us.
This Cheese Single laid on a bed of rice, with a squiggle of mayo.
Reddit: purplehaze777777 / Via i.imgur.com
These "sushi" "smores".
Instagram: @saccharinetreats / Via instagram.com
This sushi burger, which no one ever really asked for.
Instagram: @allysoneatz / Via instagram.com
These overloaded sushi tacos.
Instagram: moeisallover / Via instagram.com
And this one, which isn't quite so well executed.
Reddit: Matingas / Via reddit.com
This slice of "pizza" which surely can't even taste good.
Reddit: AdvancingTitan / Via i.redd.it
And this sushi on an actual pizza.
Reddit: scyphomedusae / Via imgur.com
This spring roll and sushi roll love child which needs to never see the light of day.
Reddit: mshknglkmlk / Via reddit.com
This frozen abomination, made with "seafood".
Reddit: NakedComedy / Via reddit.com
This plate of cheeseburger nigiri with a questionable yellow sauce.
Reddit: Alikese / Via reddit.com
This "sushi slice" which looks impossible to eat neatly.
Reddit: TheHiphopopotamus / Via imgur.com
This french fry sushi which takes two amazing things and makes something terrible.
Reddit: HippoGiggle / Via i.imgur.com
This dinnertime masterpiece from Kimmi K.
Instagram: @kimkardashian
This sushi burrito ROLLED IN CHEETO DUST???
Reddit: Ikkara / Via reddit.com
This mashup which offends Italian and Japanese cuisines.
Reddit: rebekha / Via reddit.com
Ditto these ones made from spaghetti and meatballs.
Or how about these macaroni rolls?
Reddit: Mayutshayut / Via reddit.com
This Christmas sushi filled with turkey and cranberry.
Reddit: markmleach / Via reddit.com
This order of sushi which came served on PRINGLES???
Instagram: mu1ti6rain / Via reddit.com
Or this poutine dish, using sushi instead of fries.
Reddit: ZombieBisque / Via reddit.com
And, finally, this sushi soup. SOUP.
Reddit: VaginalRoquefort / Via reddit.com
via BuzzFeed/Food